Friday, March 19, 2021

Industrial Maintenance Technician Job Description

Employers hire maintenance technicians to maintain equipment in a factory, factory, or similar environment. By keeping your equipment in good condition and fixing issues quickly, you can meet your production goals. Production engineers usually work 12-hour shifts. Since many companies operate continuously, services are required day and night, and since downtime can occur at any time, most employers need to prepare their technicians for mandatory overtime depending on the situation. Beginners in industrial maintenance need to be prepared for physical stress such as moving, lifting and standing over long periods of time. You also need to understand that production floors can be hot, dusty, and noisy.

Industrial Maintenance Technician Duties and Responsibilities

While the nature of the employer's business plays a large role in determining the scope of the maintenance technician's job, certain duties are common to most individuals in such a position. The analysis of job advertisements reveals the following main activities that are common to the profession:

Service the machine

The machines require regular maintenance to function properly. Maintenance technicians perform activities such as cleaning, lubricating, running diagnostic tests, and inspecting worn parts. These efforts will help avoid serious problems in the future.

Read work orders

If a device makes strange noises, does not work properly, or shows other signs of concern, a work order is placed. Service technicians review this document to understand what to do to correct the situation.

Troubleshooting and repair

The problem with an unsatisfactory machine is not always obvious. Hence, industrial maintenance technicians need to use their knowledge to play detective. You can try different tweaks or replace specific parts to see if these actions matter. In difficult situations, technicians can turn to industrial mechanics or ask them to do repairs.

Install new cars

When new machines are installed on the floor, service technicians are often called in to help with setup and quality control.

Train new employees

Plant maintenance technicians who understand the company's machinery and procedures and are concerned about safety introduce new employees to the need to learn them quickly.

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